Before the Event
It pays to forward basic information to your graphics scribe, thus informing them about what to expect on the day. For example – an Agenda will enable them to pre-draw title pages (and correctly caption same). Below: Leader poster created the previous day
You might supply names – and photos – of keynote speakers (along with their topic), enabling posters to be prepped the night before. Below: Samples of caricatures I have created prior to conferences

Caricatures in business. Cartoons of team and leaders. Profile images of keynote speakers – Roger Harvey scribe
For how long do you need a graphic scribe at your event? I’ve worked two-hour gigs; half-days; one or two days … and sometimes between three and five days. Below: Example of a rapidly-drawn graphic poster. Conference started at 10 a.m, and I took notes as the group discussed its future vision. I was then given 50 minutes to rapidly posterise these opinions during the lunchbreak – as AO poster had to be ready at one p.m.
At the other end of the spectrum, this is the volume of resultant work produced when I was an embedded scribe for a two-day conference. I find it gives me a deep sense of involvement and motivation with my work – I feel like part of the team! Below: Twenty posters resulting from Two-day conference for Change Management delegates from 90 companies
What will you do with your posters after event? Do you even want them? What are your post-conference needs (if any) for posters or charts produced at an event?
• Hard copies can be taken down from the walls or display boards and kept.
• You can arrange for digital copies to be created by scribe. Below: This is a digital A1 summary, combined from ten A3 posters I’d created at a one-day conference. It was printed and displayed back at client’s office

contractor management – Communication and connection between project manager and outside contractors, for increased safety and mutual trust. By Roger Harvey scribe facilitator in Sydney Australia
• If you want editorial control, consider requesting scribe to create (post-event) a digital summary (as above), with ongoing feedback at your end. Together you can cull flotsam; add important points missed on the day; insert extra images as you see fit. Hindsight is a good thing, and such a work can be achieved calmly and collaboratively. Below: This poster was always the target, even before I arrived at the conference. Our goal was to create a printable summary of event – which would later be put up on walls at breweries throughout Australasia
Good luck with your next illustrated conference or training event!
scribe • graphic recorder • corporate cartoonist • graphic capture